Saturday, 13 April 2013

I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22...

As the Taylor Swift inspired title would suggest, I recently turned 22. For me this is a personal tragedy as I no longer can be considered a young person despite my intellectual maturity of a 12 year old. Regardless of my hatred of turning 22, birthdays are usually eventful, and so I do actually have something to talk about finally!

In true adult style I initially celebrated my birthday two days early since my buddy wouldn't be around for the real thing. That Wednesday night I was finally taken out for a steak. If I know anything about American stereotypes, I know that I was long over due for my first massive all-american steakhouse. After a 30 minute drive we arrived at a Texas Roadhouse. The car park smelt like heaven. I'm a steak lover, I would've been happy sat in the car park. Anyway... My initial thoughts as we walked through the restaurant is "why is the floor such a mess?". Brits beware - this will blow your mind - each table had a bucket of 'help yourself' monkey nuts, the idea being that once you finished eating the shells are just thrown onto the floor. Do not underestimate how messy this made the walkway. With a crunch crunch crunch we were sat at our table where I was presented with my own monkey nuts. I couldn't do it. I was surrounded by people throwing shells on the floor, that's what you do, but I just couldn't. Instead I did the British thing and made a tiny neat pile of shells on my table. We ordered cocktails, it was a special occasion after all, but these cocktails turned out to be mini-fishbowls disguised as glasses. I should've guessed really. Oh and they don't measure spirits in this country. 16oz of rare steak later I'd truly experienced my first American Steakhouse. It was pretty awesome, even through the anxiety of being socially required to make a mess in a restaurant.

Two days later I finally had room to eat, and I turned 22. Again, in true 22 year old style I was working on my birthday. I'd actually not told anyone it was my birthday, but of course thanks to the salvation that is Facebook, everyone knew by midday. Thank you all for the birthday wishes, and to the boys in my office who even made a last minute birthday card. I had every intention of cycling home at 4pm and curling up in bed at 6pm just like a old person does, but luckily I have friends who knew I belonged in a bar that night. After ditching my bike we drove to Chile's immediately. Restaurant bars are truly magical places. You think you're safe because you're in a restaurant, but 2 beers and 3 cocktails later you realise you're stumbling around people eating a nice meal. Needless to say, I love drinking with friends, it was a really perfect birthday, so thanks!

Since then not too much has happened in respect to events. I do owe you and old story though. Roughly 4 weeks ago I was lucky enough to have a buddy from school from my home in England come visit! He's studying in Oklahoma at the moment, but over Spring break he came to visit California, and me! I showed him around my university and office, but the it was the trip to San Francisco that's worth talking about. Firstly, it was awesome to have a kid from my home town out here. Finally someone who I can just talk to in my native tongue, and talk about home with someone who knows it, and compare American stories! It was like we we're 17 again and driving to South-End for the day! It was also the weirdest thing ever. After a great day of seeing the sights, and watching the sun set behind the Golden Gate Bridge we headed to the Warf for dinner and drinks. It wasn't long after we ended up in a club in the Castro and we were both doing our cheesy moves on the dance floor - just like the Disco room in Oceana 4 years ago. It was so life affirming to have him there, to remember home and to see how far we've both come. It was awesome.

I think that's all my stories for now. I did recently discovered that I'm not bad at basketball - thanks Miss Thorogood, that's all you - although I did also discover I am too small for basketball after I was knocked on my back and had the ball bounced over my head. I am still in pain from those 30 minutes.

The weather is beautiful here, and with the school year coming to an end things have started to relax. In currently sat in the outfield of the softball pitch at school waiting for the game to start. To my family and friends at home: everything great here, and I'll be flying home for a few weeks this summer in July!

Hoping you are well and thanks for reading!

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